Web-based applications for collection
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Assisting archaeologists in their operations

Preventive archaeology services



Assisting archaeologists in their operations


'Preventive' archaeological operations are increasing along with the level of requirement regarding the documentation of excavation sites and collections.

Some institutions are very dynamic in this area. SKINsoft's offer adapts accordingly; and recent experiences have led to the optimisation of the S-Archeo application of our application suite...

A tool dedicated to the actors of departmental or regional archaeology, which makes it possible to document a complete archaeological operating chain: advice to developers, field research and exploitation of the results, restoration and conservation of objects and remains, enhancement and cultural mediation actions. The application, shared by the operator and conservation teams, thus makes it possible to organise, monitor and rigorously record the work of the teams and to document the collections and discovery process in depth. 

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Archaeological operations and collections management system